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Tree Supply Service

lethbridge tree supply

Your Trusted Source for Tree Supply in Lethbridge, AB

Do you have an empty space you want to fill with a beautiful Oak? Are you tired of a neighbouring home being able to see into your windows at night? Whatever your reason, sometimes you want to be able to add a bit of nature to your property. The best way to do that? Adding an already grown tree with help from your Lethbridge tree service experts.

Our awesome staff can help you find the perfect real tree for your property and even help with tree care to make sure it lives a healthy life. If you’re looking for something beautiful for your property, look no further than Legacy Trees.

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Why you Need Lethbridge Tree Supply Services

There are many different reasons homeowners would need Lethbridge tree supply. The most common reason is wanting a tree without wanting to wait years for it to grow and mature. Or, they have a particular aesthetic in mind and want to add a specific species to their property.

Adding a tree to your property has tons of benefits homeowners desire while also adding a natural aesthetic to your home, which is especially useful in more urban, concrete areas. Adding a fruit tree can bring you a natural source of juicy apples and even attract deer and other animals to your property.

Whether you have a type of tree in mind that you envision adding to your property, or you just want to see what there is out there and let something catch your eye, Legacy Trees can meet your needs for Lethbridge tree supply.

What Our Tree Supply Services can Offer you

Why would you buy anything midway through its growing stage when you can plant a sapling instead? For example, an Oak can take around 30 years to mature, meaning if you want a nice lumbering Oak on your property, you’ll need to wait a while or expedite the process. Legacy Trees can get you what you need without the wait.

Pick Your Perfect Tree

When you’re looking for the right tree to add to your property, you want the perfect species. With so many tree varieties to choose from, the decision-making process is made easier when you can view a large variety all at once, comparing them properly. With our Lethbridge tree supply services, you can properly evaluate all the tree varieties we have to offer, making sure the species, size, price, and age matches what you’re looking for.

Skip the Growing Stage

Raising a tree from a sapling means lots of time is required to make sure it grows properly. You’ll need to prune it, add fertilizer, and sometimes stake or bind it to ensure upright growing. For people without a green thumb, or that don’t have much time on their hands, these early stages of raising a sapling aren’t ideal. Picking from our tree supply in Lethbridge, AB lets you skip these time-intensive steps and get to the good part. Once that strong Oak or Birch is planted, it will be pretty self-sufficient.

Only Worry About Picking the Right Tree

When tree shopping, your only concern should be finding your dream tree. Legacy Trees offers tree moving and tree planting services to make sure everything is done properly. This means you won’t need to worry about the pH of your soil not being able to support your desired species, or if the spot you’ve chosen to plant your new Oak in has enough room to support any roots it will eventually grow. We offer follow-up tree care after services to evaluate the health of your tree and see if anything else needs to be done for it, like adding fertilizer around the root ball or bracing a crooked branch.

Benefits of Tree Supply in Lethbridge, AB

Ultimately, most benefits of Lethbridge tree supply come down to the general benefits of having a well-grown pine on your property. Except, you get the added benefit of skipping its growing phase and instead, getting the benefits immediately.


Most people might not realize how much privacy trees give until they don’t have any. A Birch can perfectly disrupt any line of sight from one home to the next, letting you keep what you do inside your home, to your household. The night is another especially important time for privacy, as your household’s lights will illuminate your home to anyone outside. Instead of avoiding passing by windows or strategically turning off and on lights, a nice Elm could grant your home privacy for both sides of your space.


Most of the time, people like rotating between shade and sun during hot summer days. Too much time in the sun can lead to heat stroke and a nasty sunburn. That’s why having natural shade from a sturdy Oak can give your home a nice place to cool off. Not only is shade great for hot days outside, but it can have an impact on your home’s efficiency. Correctly placing a tree can reduce air conditioning needs by 30% and save 20% or more on heating costs. Placing your trees on the north and west sides of your home will block winter winds, and the south end will give you shade during summer months.


When home buyers think of what they want in a property, they think about the house itself (of course), but there are lots of other factors like a nice fence, beautiful trim on your home’s exterior, and well-trimmed trees to shelter and protect everything else. Trees are an aesthetic element that can make or break your property. Different species can allow you to stand out from your neighbours or blend in with an already established species for the neighbourhood block.

Property Value

The high curb appeal of healthy mature trees is a serious thing. A property with well-maintained and properly pruned, mature trees can help it sell for 5% more. That’s a big deal if you’re planning on selling your home in the future and can really help justify any costs of adding more Oaks. Choosing a proper species is important. Not all species are desirable for certain areas. This makes professional tree supply in Lethbridge, AB useful, as you can get the type you’re looking for, and that other people also look for when purchasing homes.

Good for the Environment

Overall, trees are beloved for one important reason above all, their contribution to the environment. Trees clear the air from carbon dioxide, helping our atmosphere’s pollution problem. If you want to help battle our planet’s war against pollution, adding trees to your property will help reduce the air’s carbon pollution, making it easier to breathe.

Why Legacy Trees

We have years of experience and hundreds of hours of service with trees. That means we know how to help you find the perfect tree, and help it grow to become beautiful. Look no further if you’re looking for nursery trees or a perfect full-grown tree. Our years of arborist experience have shown us the most efficient and safe best practices for tree planting, transplanting, and long-term growth maintenance. That means when you purchase a tree from our Lethbridge tree supply team, you’re getting it directly from the experts, putting you in safe hands.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lethbridge Tree Supply

The average person doesn’t have the most knowledge about trees. That’s why our arborists have compiled some frequently asked questions to help inform you better. If you have any other questions not answered on this list, please contact us directly for more information.

How Much Do Fully Grown Trees Cost?

A fully grown tree will generally cost between $100 and $500. Specialty trees will cost upwards of that when mature. This number will be affected by other factors such as the size, species, age, location, and how many are being purchased. It’s also important to consider how much it will cost to transplant, deliver, and plant the trees. Some steps in the process can be completed by the buyer to save money, but if you’re already spending hundreds of dollars on a tree, why not pay a bit more to make sure it’s properly planted. Buying a mid-sized tree will be easier and cheaper than trying to find a full-grown tree of a giant species.

Smaller potted trees can be easily planted by the homeowner, while mature, large trees with huge root balls need a professional with a tree spade to plant them correctly.

How is the Value of a Tree Determined?

The function for evaluating a tree is somewhat complex. But there are commonalities between most tree evaluating formulas used by arborists. People viewing your property at an open house may not use such a complicated formula and might instead opt for relying on how nice the tree looks.

Tree value ($) = base value x cross-sectional area x species class x condition class x location class base value.

This represents a dollar amount assigned to one square inch of a tree’s trunk cross-sectional area. This number is typically based on the cost of the largest available replacement plant for your same species.

Cross-Sectional Area: This is a measurement of the trunk. It’s measured one foot above ground level for trees with trunks up to 12 inches in diameter above ground for trees with trunks greater than 12 inches.

Species Class: This is an assigned value based on merit. Factors involved in this classification include form, growth habit, flowering and fruiting characteristics, structural strength, longevity, insect and disease resistance, and maintenance requirements

Condition Class: This section takes into account the observed condition by examining factors such as wounds, decay, storm damage, insect, disease damage, and poor form.

Location Class: This factor focuses on the functional and aesthetic contribution the tree makes to a site and the importance of the location in the context of a broader community.

Now that you know all these factors, you can estimate the approximate value of any existing trees, and maximize where you’ll plant any new ones.

When Should I Plant my New Trees?

Deciduous trees can be planted in spring once all frost is out of the ground or during the fall time from leaf-fall until freeze-up.

Conifers can be planted early in the spring until four weeks or so after deciduous trees have opened their leaves, or in the fall from around the first week of August to the end of October.

If you’re unsure of what type of tree you have, early spring right after the ground thaws is a pretty reliable time for planting. Trees have a risk of not taking root in the fall, making tree-planting riskier. If you do opt for fall for any reason, we recommend looking for trees with roots wrapped in a burlap bag instead of soil-free roots for fall planting, as these bare roots may not survive winter conditions.

Look no Further for Tree Supply in Lethbridge, AB

Your search for Lethbridge tree supply should end with Legacy Trees. There’s a reason we’re the top choice for southern Alberta tree supply services. Our knowledgeable staff is here to find your perfect trees and address any safety concerns about tree planting you may have.

Give us a call at  403-715-8711 or contact us through our website for excellent service and to find your perfect tree. Our excellent customer service team can help you book services or answer any questions you may have. There’s a reason for our 5-star customer rating

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